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The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot

Chapter 3

The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot

Manhwa The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot yang dibuat oleh komikus bernama Bae Hanul ini bercerita tentang dalam pertarungan terakhir dengan raja dari ras naga yang membunuh ribuan manusia, rudd denatos kehilangan teman dan kakak kandungnya, aesir denatos. pada saat dia membunuh naga tak dikenal yang muncul di hadapannya, dia malah kembali ke masa lalunya sebagai mudrid akademi. tapi, kakaknya, aesir, sang ksatria jenius tak ada di masa lalu tempat rudd kembali. dengan mencoba mengisi kekosongan aesir, rudd berusaha mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin sebelum raja naga terkuat, naga ketujuh, muncul. apakah rudd bisa menemukan kakaknya dan membalaskan dendam orang tuanya?

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The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot Chapter 3
The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot
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The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot

Manhwa The Little Brother Is the Academy’s Hotshot yang dibuat oleh komikus bernama Bae Hanul ini bercerita tentang dalam pertarungan terakhir dengan raja dari ras naga yang membunuh ribuan manusia, rudd denatos kehilangan teman dan kakak kandungnya, aesir denatos. pada saat dia membunuh naga tak dikenal yang muncul di hadapannya, dia malah kembali ke masa lalunya sebagai mudrid akademi. tapi, kakaknya, aesir, sang ksatria jenius tak ada di masa lalu tempat rudd kembali. dengan mencoba mengisi kekosongan aesir, rudd berusaha mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin sebelum raja naga terkuat, naga ketujuh, muncul. apakah rudd bisa menemukan kakaknya dan membalaskan dendam orang tuanya?



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