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The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son

Chapter 10

The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son

Aden Albireo disebut “Pembunuh Naga,” pahlawan yang membunuh Sang Beringas, dan Raja Iblis, yang pada akhirnya, menyelamatkan dunia. Namun dia dikhianati oleh mereka yang bersumpah setia dan ditinggalkan untuk mati… “Aku tak pernah berpikir akan hidup kembali!” 15 tahun sebelum kebangkitan Raja Iblis, Putra sulung Duke yang nekat dan tak terdengar, “Aden Albireo” telah kembali dalam tubuh “Aden Remes”! Dan yang lebih mengejutkan… “Lama tak jumpa, Raja Naga!” Raja Iblis yang kupikir telah kubunuh ada di dalam jiwaku?! Akankah Aden mampu mengakhiri kohabitasi yang tidak nyaman (?) dengan Raja Iblis dan mencegah kebangkitannya?

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The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son Chapter 10
The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son
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The Hero Became the Duke’s Eldest Son

Aden Albireo disebut “Pembunuh Naga,” pahlawan yang membunuh Sang Beringas, dan Raja Iblis, yang pada akhirnya, menyelamatkan dunia. Namun dia dikhianati oleh mereka yang bersumpah setia dan ditinggalkan untuk mati… “Aku tak pernah berpikir akan hidup kembali!” 15 tahun sebelum kebangkitan Raja Iblis, Putra sulung Duke yang nekat dan tak terdengar, “Aden Albireo” telah kembali dalam tubuh “Aden Remes”! Dan yang lebih mengejutkan… “Lama tak jumpa, Raja Naga!” Raja Iblis yang kupikir telah kubunuh ada di dalam jiwaku?! Akankah Aden mampu mengakhiri kohabitasi yang tidak nyaman (?) dengan Raja Iblis dan mencegah kebangkitannya?



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