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Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead

Chapter 29

Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead

Manhwa Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead yang dibuat oleh komikus bernama YeonBi ini bercerita tentang Saya mencoba untuk menyelamatkan pemeran utama pria, yang diracuni oleh pemeran utama wanita, tetapi kecelakaan terjadi! Dia bilang dia akan membalas budi, tapi dia secara acak mengirimku ke penjahat paling terkenal, Keluarga Assassins ?! Keluarga yang terdiri dari kakak laki-laki tertua, seorang ksatria di Tentara Kekaisaran yang mempersiapkan pemberontakan, saudara kedua, seorang pendeta dengan hadiah besar di kepalanya, dan seorang ayah yang merupakan penjahat terbesar sepanjang masa … Akankah saya aman dalam keluarga jahat ini selama kontrak tiga tahun saya?

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Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Chapter 29
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead
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Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead

Manhwa Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead yang dibuat oleh komikus bernama YeonBi ini bercerita tentang Saya mencoba untuk menyelamatkan pemeran utama pria, yang diracuni oleh pemeran utama wanita, tetapi kecelakaan terjadi! Dia bilang dia akan membalas budi, tapi dia secara acak mengirimku ke penjahat paling terkenal, Keluarga Assassins ?! Keluarga yang terdiri dari kakak laki-laki tertua, seorang ksatria di Tentara Kekaisaran yang mempersiapkan pemberontakan, saudara kedua, seorang pendeta dengan hadiah besar di kepalanya, dan seorang ayah yang merupakan penjahat terbesar sepanjang masa … Akankah saya aman dalam keluarga jahat ini selama kontrak tiga tahun saya?



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