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Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World

Chapter 21

Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World

Aku pernah menjadi penguasa para kultivator di immortal realm. Tapi aku terlahir kembali di dunia dimana perempuan bekerja untuk mencari nafkah, sementara laki-laki hanya duduk dan menjaga penampilannya. Yang lebih parah lagi, tubuhku terlihat seperti orang gemuk dan jelek! Aku bekerja keras untuk menjadi bugar, tetapi aku tidak melakukannya demi keuntungan kalian, dasar para wanita yang nafsuan!

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Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World Chapter 21
Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World
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Rebirth of the Emperor in the Reverse World

Aku pernah menjadi penguasa para kultivator di immortal realm. Tapi aku terlahir kembali di dunia dimana perempuan bekerja untuk mencari nafkah, sementara laki-laki hanya duduk dan menjaga penampilannya. Yang lebih parah lagi, tubuhku terlihat seperti orang gemuk dan jelek! Aku bekerja keras untuk menjadi bugar, tetapi aku tidak melakukannya demi keuntungan kalian, dasar para wanita yang nafsuan!



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