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Raising the Princess to Overcome Death

Chapter 28

Raising the Princess to Overcome Death

Kandidat ujian pelayanan publik jangka panjang, Minseo, mendapati dirinya terperangkap dalam game, “Raising Lena” saat ia mencoba melarikan diri dari kenyataan yang suram. Dalam game tersebut, Minseo menjadi karakter bernama Leo, dan dia harus menjelajahi dunia dengan tiga skenario berbeda untuk menyelesaikan misinya mengubah protagonis, Lena, menjadi seorang putri. Namun, game “Raising Lena” memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang sangat tinggi karena musuh-musuh yang ditetapkan untuk menghalangi Minseo dengan kekuatan dan pengaruh mereka yang besar. Akankah Minseo berhasil menyelesaikan game dengan menjadikan Lena seorang putri dan kembali ke kenyataan?

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Raising the Princess to Overcome Death
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death Chapter 28
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death
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Raising the Princess to Overcome Death

Kandidat ujian pelayanan publik jangka panjang, Minseo, mendapati dirinya terperangkap dalam game, “Raising Lena” saat ia mencoba melarikan diri dari kenyataan yang suram. Dalam game tersebut, Minseo menjadi karakter bernama Leo, dan dia harus menjelajahi dunia dengan tiga skenario berbeda untuk menyelesaikan misinya mengubah protagonis, Lena, menjadi seorang putri. Namun, game “Raising Lena” memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang sangat tinggi karena musuh-musuh yang ditetapkan untuk menghalangi Minseo dengan kekuatan dan pengaruh mereka yang besar. Akankah Minseo berhasil menyelesaikan game dengan menjadikan Lena seorang putri dan kembali ke kenyataan?



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