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Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple

Chapter 15

Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple

Ye Kong berkelana ke dunia lain, dan dia bisa menembus realm setiap hari saat memancing. Dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir, dia telah menembus lebih dari 3.000 level pelatihan Qi. Dia pikir hidupnya akan membosankan, memanggang harimau putih dan menangkap burung phoenix, tetapi suatu hari, permaisuri terlahir kembali dan datang untuk memujanya sebagai gurunya. Ye Kong: Hei, murid, bisakah kamu berhenti mengkhawatirkanku? Permaisuri: Tidak mungkin, tidak mungkin, guruku sedang berlatih Qi, dia hanya berpura-pura, dia tidak akan pernah bisa menjadi guru yang tiada tara!

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Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple Chapter 15
Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple
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Qi Refining Level 3000 Accept the Empress as your disciple

Ye Kong berkelana ke dunia lain, dan dia bisa menembus realm setiap hari saat memancing. Dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir, dia telah menembus lebih dari 3.000 level pelatihan Qi. Dia pikir hidupnya akan membosankan, memanggang harimau putih dan menangkap burung phoenix, tetapi suatu hari, permaisuri terlahir kembali dan datang untuk memujanya sebagai gurunya. Ye Kong: Hei, murid, bisakah kamu berhenti mengkhawatirkanku? Permaisuri: Tidak mungkin, tidak mungkin, guruku sedang berlatih Qi, dia hanya berpura-pura, dia tidak akan pernah bisa menjadi guru yang tiada tara!



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