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Polar Attraction

Chapter 20

Polar Attraction

Swept up in a housing swindle, Biya and Changsik end up as unlikely roommates – but Biya has a secret that doesn’t bode well for her tricky co-ed housing situation… When Changsik wakes up one night to find her straddling him, completely naked, she admits to being able to see ghosts – needy, horny ones with very specific bodily needs. With ghosts flocking to their room every night, the two newly met strangers must figure out a way to fend them off!Original WebtoonOfficial English”The only way to get a good night’s sleep is to drain this man’s energy?!”Biya, who has seen ghosts since childh…

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Polar Attraction
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction Chapter 20
Polar Attraction
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Polar Attraction

Swept up in a housing swindle, Biya and Changsik end up as unlikely roommates – but Biya has a secret that doesn’t bode well for her tricky co-ed housing situation… When Changsik wakes up one night to find her straddling him, completely naked, she admits to being able to see ghosts – needy, horny ones with very specific bodily needs. With ghosts flocking to their room every night, the two newly met strangers must figure out a way to fend them off!Original WebtoonOfficial English”The only way to get a good night’s sleep is to drain this man’s energy?!”Biya, who has seen ghosts since childh…



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