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My Stowaway Diary

Chapter 1

My Stowaway Diary

I’m Lee Sesang, a stowaway who woke up on a cargo ship in the middle of the ocean. It’s been a month, and everyone’sbeen treating me like an eyesore. The only person I’ve been able to talk to is Arie, the cook. I’ve been helping out in the kitchen and trying to do my part… “Do you realize how heavy that thing is? Do you want me to lift it?” So soft and squishy. Arie’s naughty prank started in the kitchen when the others had left… “Sesang… A-Are you really going to touch me?”

Chapter ini error ? segera laporkan agar diperbaiki secepatnya!
My Stowaway Diary
My Stowaway Diary Chapter 1
My Stowaway Diary Chapter 1
My Stowaway Diary Chapter 1
My Stowaway Diary Chapter 1
My Stowaway Diary Chapter 1
My Stowaway Diary Chapter 1
My Stowaway Diary Chapter 1
My Stowaway Diary Chapter 1
My Stowaway Diary Chapter 1
My Stowaway Diary Chapter 1
My Stowaway Diary
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My Stowaway Diary

I’m Lee Sesang, a stowaway who woke up on a cargo ship in the middle of the ocean. It’s been a month, and everyone’sbeen treating me like an eyesore. The only person I’ve been able to talk to is Arie, the cook. I’ve been helping out in the kitchen and trying to do my part… “Do you realize how heavy that thing is? Do you want me to lift it?” So soft and squishy. Arie’s naughty prank started in the kitchen when the others had left… “Sesang… A-Are you really going to touch me?”



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