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Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer

Chapter 4.2

Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer

Seorang penyihir keadilan akan mengubah dunia yang busuk! Wim Abel, seorang penyihir istana Kekaisaran Cyrus, dituduh sebagai pengkhianat oleh eselon atas kekaisaran yang takut akan kekuatannya yang besar, dan terjebak di ruang bawah tanah dengan kekuatan yang kuat. penghalang yang membuatnya mustahil untuk melarikan diri. Namun, Wim, yang memiliki kekuatan cukup untuk menakuti seluruh negara, berhasil melarikan diri dari penjara bawah tanah yang dianggap mustahil untuk melarikan diri. Dia mengincar Kerajaan Leoria, yang dikatakan sebagai “meritokrasi lengkap.” …Di sisi lain, berbicara tentang Kekaisaran Cyrus yang membuang Wim—-?

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Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer Chapter 4.2
Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer
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Magician of the Abyss – I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer

Seorang penyihir keadilan akan mengubah dunia yang busuk! Wim Abel, seorang penyihir istana Kekaisaran Cyrus, dituduh sebagai pengkhianat oleh eselon atas kekaisaran yang takut akan kekuatannya yang besar, dan terjebak di ruang bawah tanah dengan kekuatan yang kuat. penghalang yang membuatnya mustahil untuk melarikan diri. Namun, Wim, yang memiliki kekuatan cukup untuk menakuti seluruh negara, berhasil melarikan diri dari penjara bawah tanah yang dianggap mustahil untuk melarikan diri. Dia mengincar Kerajaan Leoria, yang dikatakan sebagai “meritokrasi lengkap.” …Di sisi lain, berbicara tentang Kekaisaran Cyrus yang membuang Wim—-?



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