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“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden.

Chapter 4

“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden.

Manga “Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. yang dibuat oleh komikus bernama Nobuno Masayuki ini bercerita tentang Kalau begitu ... lanjutkan dan mati ... " Capsodia si Kalajengking Kematian (Level 1) disebut "terlemah" dan diusir dari posisinya sebagai salah satu dari Empat Raja Surgawi di Tentara Raja Iblis. Dia berencana untuk bersembunyi di Wilayah Manusia sampai keadaan sedikit mereda, tetapi dia diidolakan oleh Pafimia, seorang Srikandi bertelinga binatang, dan Sharon, seorang Saint berukuran pint ... Memperkenalkan kisah fantasi luar biasa yang penuh dengan kegembiraan !!

Chapter ini error ? segera laporkan agar diperbaiki secepatnya!
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden.
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. Chapter 4
“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden.
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“Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden.

Manga “Kukuku ……. He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs.” I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden. yang dibuat oleh komikus bernama Nobuno Masayuki ini bercerita tentang Kalau begitu ... lanjutkan dan mati ... " Capsodia si Kalajengking Kematian (Level 1) disebut "terlemah" dan diusir dari posisinya sebagai salah satu dari Empat Raja Surgawi di Tentara Raja Iblis. Dia berencana untuk bersembunyi di Wilayah Manusia sampai keadaan sedikit mereda, tetapi dia diidolakan oleh Pafimia, seorang Srikandi bertelinga binatang, dan Sharon, seorang Saint berukuran pint ... Memperkenalkan kisah fantasi luar biasa yang penuh dengan kegembiraan !!



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