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I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha

Chapter 3

I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha

Baiklah!! UR (Ultimate Rare) Raja Arthur telah datang! Di dunia di mana iblis berkeliaran karena “invasi” dari dimensi lain, ada seorang pria yang terus-menerus memainkan game gacha. Namanya Yanagi Kamuri. Seorang fanatik gacha yang benar-benar terpikat olehnya, dia adalah seorang pecandu gacha sejati. Suatu hari, Kamuri menghadapi serangan oleh iblis. Hanya mereka yang memiliki keterampilan, yang dikenal sebagai Gifted, yang bisa melawan mereka. Tanpa keterampilan apa pun, Kamuri hanya memiliki satu pilihan: melarikan diri. Selama pelariannya, dia bertemu dengan Zeri, seorang putri dari dunia lain, seorang pewaris sejati skill keluarga kerajaannya. Pertemuan ini sangat mengubah nasib Kamuri. Di tengah serangan iblis lainnya, Zeri mempercayakan Kamuri dengan keterampilan yang tidak bisa dia kuasai sendiri. Dikombinasikan dengan obsesi Kamuri terhadap gacha, keterampilan ini berubah menjadi keterampilan gacha unik yang hanya bisa dia gunakan. Untuk menyelamatkan Zeri dan mewujudkan impiannya akan gacha tanpa akhir, Kamuri memulai serangan balasannya! Dengan taruhan hidup atau mati yang putus asa, dia memanggil hero terkuat.

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I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha Chapter 3
I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha
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I Became Strongest in the World by Summoning Heroes With My Exclusive Gatcha

Baiklah!! UR (Ultimate Rare) Raja Arthur telah datang! Di dunia di mana iblis berkeliaran karena “invasi” dari dimensi lain, ada seorang pria yang terus-menerus memainkan game gacha. Namanya Yanagi Kamuri. Seorang fanatik gacha yang benar-benar terpikat olehnya, dia adalah seorang pecandu gacha sejati. Suatu hari, Kamuri menghadapi serangan oleh iblis. Hanya mereka yang memiliki keterampilan, yang dikenal sebagai Gifted, yang bisa melawan mereka. Tanpa keterampilan apa pun, Kamuri hanya memiliki satu pilihan: melarikan diri. Selama pelariannya, dia bertemu dengan Zeri, seorang putri dari dunia lain, seorang pewaris sejati skill keluarga kerajaannya. Pertemuan ini sangat mengubah nasib Kamuri. Di tengah serangan iblis lainnya, Zeri mempercayakan Kamuri dengan keterampilan yang tidak bisa dia kuasai sendiri. Dikombinasikan dengan obsesi Kamuri terhadap gacha, keterampilan ini berubah menjadi keterampilan gacha unik yang hanya bisa dia gunakan. Untuk menyelamatkan Zeri dan mewujudkan impiannya akan gacha tanpa akhir, Kamuri memulai serangan balasannya! Dengan taruhan hidup atau mati yang putus asa, dia memanggil hero terkuat.



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