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Chairman Kang, The New Employee

Chapter 40

Chairman Kang, The New Employee

Aku adalah Kang Yong- ho, Ketua Grup Choi Sung, salah satu dari 10 konglomerat top Korea Selatan. Saat aku sedang menikmati kejayaan deklarasi pensiunku, tiba- tiba, seorang karyawan baru jatuh dari langit dan mendarat di kepalaku. Tapi hei, kemana perginya tubuhku, dan sekarang aku sudah berubah menjadi Karyawan baru?! “Apa ini? Apakah kamu menyuruhku untuk memulai dengan Excel atau semacamnya?”

Chapter ini error ? segera laporkan agar diperbaiki secepatnya!
Chairman Kang, The New Employee
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee Chapter 40
Chairman Kang, The New Employee
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Chairman Kang, The New Employee

Aku adalah Kang Yong- ho, Ketua Grup Choi Sung, salah satu dari 10 konglomerat top Korea Selatan. Saat aku sedang menikmati kejayaan deklarasi pensiunku, tiba- tiba, seorang karyawan baru jatuh dari langit dan mendarat di kepalaku. Tapi hei, kemana perginya tubuhku, dan sekarang aku sudah berubah menjadi Karyawan baru?! “Apa ini? Apakah kamu menyuruhku untuk memulai dengan Excel atau semacamnya?”



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