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Break through all the worlds with one force

Chapter 24

Break through all the worlds with one force

Ning Yu, yang dulunya jenius di Kota Hanshan, dijebak oleh seseorang, menyebabkan Dantiannya hancur dan basis kultivasinya hilang sepenuhnya. Setelah mencari bantuan dari teman ayahnya, Zong, tidak berhasil, dia secara tidak sengaja memasuki peternakan para dewa dan setan. Sejak saat itu, satu pukulan menyapu seluruh alam semesta, dan dunia menjadi papan catur.

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Break through all the worlds with one force
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force Chapter 24
Break through all the worlds with one force
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Break through all the worlds with one force

Ning Yu, yang dulunya jenius di Kota Hanshan, dijebak oleh seseorang, menyebabkan Dantiannya hancur dan basis kultivasinya hilang sepenuhnya. Setelah mencari bantuan dari teman ayahnya, Zong, tidak berhasil, dia secara tidak sengaja memasuki peternakan para dewa dan setan. Sejak saat itu, satu pukulan menyapu seluruh alam semesta, dan dunia menjadi papan catur.



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